"When you think about it: What's holding American democracy back from reaching it's full potential?
...Americans, referring to themselves as colors (instead of just being American); for example, the concept of Black, Brown and White Americans. Is psychologically holdings us back!
Without going on for the next hour on how detrimental/culturally divisive it is intellectually to the individuals participating in defining themselves as Black,Brown or White Americans.
I'll focus on the simple perspective:
Education on a federal level (which creates the American labor/working force) is systematically organized by race and culture - instead of focusing exclusively on the economic conditions of its students. For example:
Lower-class youth in America commit four times more violent crimes than middle-class youth.
Middle class black, white, Hispanic people are much less likely to go to jail then poor Black, White and Hispanic Americans .
Instead of focusing on black on black murders. America can focus on the destructive effects of the drug business in Poor White, Latino and Black communities.. as it relates to murders/perpetuating property.
For the record: There was a time when "Mass Immigration" was very new to America and immigrants needed specific governmental assistants - but now black, brown and white have integrated culturally as Americans.
Just go to any popular hip hop concert in any American Neighborhood.
There's much more to discuss but as a premise.. "the concept of Black, Brown & White as terms to define people and addressing social issues". Is stupid, outdated and a by product of a racist colonialist way of thinking.
The American Constitution (American Dream) illuminates the capabilities/potential of every human being on planet Earth -as human being created by God, not shades of a complexion defined by men.
The harmonious World Peace bringing American Future is a byproduct of being ..Just Americans, with no strings or complexion attached!"
-Shariff Mordechai Hazan
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